Improve your Leadership Skills through Leadership Theories

Leadership Training Courses in London

Posted on Sep 11, 2022 at 03:09 PM


Leadership theories are an in-depth explanation of wise and successful leadership and how successful leaders have attained advanced and successful leadership styles. 


Leadership theories emerged from many researchers' studies, focusing on the victorious leader by studying a set of behavioural traits and traits that the leader followed in his leadership work.


These theories help new leaders, or those with weak leadership, acquire skills and learn from the traits of each successful leader. Therefore, leadership theories are an essential reference for developing or building the critical skills of a leader.


What are leadership theories?

Leadership theories are the explanations of how and why certain people become leaders.


They focus on the traits and behaviours that people can adopt to increase their leadership capabilities. Styles in leadership and management differ By Managed Teams, as well as dependent on the type of field in which they work.


The researchers have shown the essential traits and features of great leaders. Today, leadership theories help explain how leaders harness and develop these traits. The most important traits are:

  • Excellent organisational skills.
  • Nurtures growth in employees
  • Efficient learner
  • Communication skills.
  • Fosters belonging


The most critical leadership theories

While there are dozens of leadership theories, a few are more well-known. These more common leadership theories are essential to understanding and recognising to know the concepts of the central leadership theories. 


Leadership theories help explain the essential characteristics of effective strategic leadership, its social and psychological effects, its types and patterns, and the management leadership styles that make you a great leader so that you can determine the kind of leader you want to be.


  1. Behavioural Theory 

Behavioural leadership theory focuses on the behaviour leaders follow, how they act, and what other leaders can learn and acquire.

This theory also indicates that acquired skills are the reason for leaders' success, as they are not born with these skills but rather acquire them over time.


  1. The Great Man Theory

The great man leadership theory or trait theory is one of the earliest leadership theories. This theory shows that leadership is a natural phenomenon that the theory considers innate, meaning that the great leader naturally possesses leadership traits from the beginning of his birth, and this is what distinguishes him from others.


The Great Man Theory considers a leader to be a natural leader who did not become a leader through education and skill acquisition.


  1. Transformational Leadership Theory

The Transformational Leadership theory, also known as the Relationship theory, focuses on the relationship between the leaders and followers. This theory talks about the kind of leader who is inspirational and charismatic, encouraging their followers to transform and become better at a task.


  1. Transactional Theory

These leadership theories consider rewards and punishments as the basis for leadership actions. This is one of the oft-used theories in business, and the proponents of this leadership style use rewards and punishments to motivate employees better.


  1. Contingency Theory

This theory proposes that no one way or style of leadership may apply to all situations. In other words, it recognises that there might be variables influencing any particular situation, and a leader must choose the right course of action, considering those variables.


Researchers have shown that "Effective leadership is about balancing needs, context, and behaviour.


  1. Participative Theory

This theory was less valuable than others because it was not widely known. This leadership theory suggests that employees are directly involved in their organisation's decision-making. The leader facilitates a conversation, takes all the suggestions, and comes up with the best possible action. That is, employees are part of the decision-makers.


These theories were among the essential studies concerned with leadership and management, through which you can learn successful leadership methods. Or you can learn more with Leadership Training Courses in London.