Effective Training Delivery Techniques to Boost Employee Performance

Training Delivery

Posted on May 19, 2024 at 10:05 PM

Think about a training session that both sparks curiosity and lets you feel the burn of your enthusiasm to apply what you learned immediately. It is a session where learning is not a passive decision, but an immersive trip that give people the ability to achieve their maximum potential. Herein lays the essence of successful training delivery.

In this article, we explore what training delivery, its types, and how best to use it in your business

Types of training delivery

So let's say you want to design a mentoring program, you have an audience that's ready to learn, trainers are ready with all the materials, and the only thing you need to figure out is how you'll facilitate this student-mentor communication in the best way. 

How to deliver the best results while still sticking to the budget? That sounds like a lot of work, well, let's explore some popular training delivery methods and their pros and cons:

  • Instructor-Led Training (ILT):

This conventional coaching approach relies on the physical presence of a live teacher in a traditional classroom environment. ILT is one of the most effective HR strategies for keeping learners active, providing timely feedback on their skills, and changing the content as required. On the other hand, it is expensive, logistically complicated, and rigidly fixed in terms of schedule.

  • eLearning:

This online way of learning involves self-paced eLearning courses, webinars, and video tutorials. What makes eLearning unique is its accessibility and flexibility because a learner can connect with the lessons anywhere, anytime. However, it misses live discussions with teachers and lazy students could also get bored and distracted.

  • Blended Learning:

While its name depicts it all, it is a blend of ILT and e-learning, thus bringing about a total learning experience. Combined learning can generate more success when it is done by using the strengths of both approaches. Nevertheless, it is rather a complex process as it requires intensive planning and allocation of resources, so it is more time-consuming and expensive.

  • On-the-Job Training (OJT):

This method, called ‘learning by doing’, involves employees performing tasks in a real working environment, guided by an experienced trainer or mentor. OJT is about handing over practical, real-world skills, but the amount of knowledge given can be uneven depending on, and it is difficult to document and analyze whether the goals and objectives of the program were achieved.

  • Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT):

Just as in ILT sessions, but using video conferencing platforms such as Skype or Zoom. VILT is an ideal platform for remote teams to connect during the classes and attend live Q&A and polls. Nevertheless, technical problems and the difficulties of transferring practical skills can also be disadvantages.

Training Delivery

Using training delivery techniques to achieve excellence 

Delivering the best results and gaining a competitive edge depends on choosing the training delivery framework that is most relevant to your workplace, the core of training delivery concepts is to create the best plan for your specific learners. How does your employee best learn? What kind of schedules suit them? However, does this sound so overwhelming? Here are a few tips to help you build the best training:

  1. Understand your learners' needs, preferences, and learning styles. That is a key point. Not every approach is suitable for all audiences – adapt your training strategies to your given audience.

  2.  Evaluate if your organization is the right place for the campaign and determine the goals of your campaign along with the available resources and limitations. Certain techniques will be less expensive and theoretically convenient while other techniques may not be.

  3. A good idea might be to go for a hybrid approach that employs a variety of methods. Such as audio, engaging videos, pictures, infographics, worksheets, and interactive activities, the interaction with various learning styles and engagement can be promoted and enhanced.

  4. Invite students’ feedback and conduct the assessment of the training program's execution regularly. Change and polish your methods depending on the requirements.

  5. Embrace technology as a new tool and explore advanced and powerful training solutions, such as gamification, simulations, and mobile learning (mLearning). They enable learners to explore the content in more ways, making learning more interesting and easy for them.

  6. Remember to train yourself! The only way to improve your employees' compliance with your training is to set a good example. It's essential to add to your knowledge through hr courses in Dubai. These courses offer a comprehensive approach to how you can successfully run your business. you'll gain great insight into how to train your staff in the best way possible.


The main rule of high-quality training is to consider your company and learners as individuals to be able to find a perfect match between them. Don't hesitate to experiment. However, while adapting your strategies, try your level best to be sure that your employees are provided with the necessary aptitude and skills for them to become the best employees.

Now that you've got to know what training delivery is and how to use it properly. it's time to start implement those tips you've learned and take your team one step further.