The Bowtie methodology is used for risk assessment, risk management and risk communication and awareness. The method is designed to give a better overview of the situation in which certain risks are present; to help people understand the relationship between the risks and organizational events. The method also provides a structure to systematically analyze a hazard.
Bowtie analysis, therefore, is an increasingly popular approach to help manage risk. This programme provides a critical review of the method’s benefits, limitations, and practical uses, with hands-on practice in applying the technique.
The course introduces bowtie methodology, examines the various bowtie analysis components and provides a critical review of the method's benefits, limitations and practical uses, with hands-on practice at applying the technique.
At the end of the Bowtie Risk Management and Migitation course, you will be able to:
- Understanding the terminology of risk assessment and the bowtie methodology
- Applying hazard identification techniques
- Creating simple bowtie risk models
- Using BowTieXP software to create more sophisticated bowtie risk models
- Applying metadata to risk controls to classify ownership, barrier type, effectiveness and more
- Applying risk estimation to the model
- Attaching audit information (using AuditXP) and actions to risk control barriers
- Analyze hazard scenarios by applying the bowtie method and designing a bowtie diagram
- Develop integrity assurance for bowtie barriers, eg in terms of HSE-critical tasks and/or
- HSE critical systems
- Devise risk acceptance criteria for hazards in bowtie
This Bowtie Risk Management and Migitation programme is suitable for:
- Managers, engineers, operators, HSE advisors and risk management practitioners.
- Operations, QHSE (Quality, health, safety & evironmental) Supervisors, management staff as well as SIMOPS (simultaneous operations) Coordinators.
Our courses in Barcelona are held at the LPC office located at:
Once you register, we will subsequently send you the course details, including the location, trainer, and other logistical information.
Pay Attention, Please! The course location at our offices is subject to availability. Should our office be unavailable, we will secure an alternative nearby venue and promptly inform you of the change. The exact time and location will be confirmed one week prior to the course commencement.