Greetings and welcom e to the " Certified Credit Risk Managem ent" course! We' re excited to have you on board for this unique 5-day educational experience m eticulously designed by LPC. In recent decades, various financial crises have underscored the im portance of robust credit risk m anagem ent as a critical tool for ensuring the stability and profitability of financial institutions. This LPC course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to effectively assess, m anage, m itigate, and control credit risk. For 5 im m ersive days, you’ll dive deep into the credit risk m anagem ent process, exploring various tools, techniques, and strategies for effective m anagem ent through the entire lending process. With LPC, you’ll learn advanced credit risk analysis and assessm ent techniques enabling you to evaluate the im pact of credit risk events on banks and financial institutions. You' ll also explore strategies for credit risk m itigation and transfer, focusing on m ethods to elim inate or reduce exposure to credit risk. Besides, you’ll gain expertise in m anaging portfolio credit risk through identifying com m on risks and understanding their im pacts. We’ll guide you through the steps of stress testing to assess the resilience of credit risk in your portfolio. By the end of this course, you' ll have a com prehensive understanding of best practices in credit risk m anagem ent and hands-on experience in developing and im plem enting effective credit risk m anagem ent strategies. Join LPC in this engaging learning experience as we, navigate the com plexities of credit risk m anagem ent together, and prepare you to tackle its challenges with confidence
Upon completion of this Certified Credit Risk Management training course, participants will acquire the following competencies:
- Grasp the fundamentals and principles of credit risk, including terminologies, types, and the 6 C’s
- Articulate and explain the process of credit risk management
- Gain insights into regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements of credit risk management
- Interpret and analyze financial statements
- Utilize quantitative and qualitative methods to assess credit risk
- Develop and implement credit risk mitigation strategies, such as enhancement, guarantees, and covenants
- Recognize and explain the role of collateralization and credit derivatives in risk mitigation
- Identify and manage common portfolio credit risks and apply mitigation strategies to reduce and eliminate risk
- Perform stress testing to understand the financial position and risks
- Credit Risk Analysts
- Credit Risk Managers
- Internal Auditors
- Credit Portfolio Risk Managers
- Accounts Receivable and Collection Managers
- Fund Managers
- Risk Management Practitioners
- Bankers
- Liability Managers
- Assets Officers
- Lending Officers
- Loan Underwriters
- Compliance and Regulatory Personnel
- Aspiring Credit Risk Professionals
Our courses in Dubai are held at the LPC office located at:
Once you register, we will subsequently send you the course details, including the location, trainer, and other logistical information.
Pay Attention, Please! The course location at our offices is subject to availability. Should our office be unavailable, we will secure an alternative nearby venue and promptly inform you of the change. The exact time and location will be confirmed one week prior to the course commencement.