STAAD stands for Structural Analysis and Design.StaadPro is the most popular general Analysis & Design Software useful for RCC and steel structures alike. Though STAAD Pro is not customised for a Building structural design like in ETABS, the tool has considerable advantages when it comes to non-conventional geometry and special requirements.STAADis handy for quick analysis of secondary structures. It is widely used in infrastructure design like tunnels, bridges and culverts.
STAAD.Pro is quite used in government organisations and old consultancies even now as most of them have not embraced the change to ETABS. The steel design capability of staadPro is on par with any other design software like ETABS. StaadPro is partly compatible with Building Information tools like Revit. Bentley, the parent organisation of STAAD Pro has its own BIM products which are completely compatible.
The Complete STAAD.Pro Training course is designed to offer professionals all the essentials to learn and use the STAAD.Pro V8i. The enrolled candidates will learn to master the application and will be empowered to deliver high-quality products and services.
At the end of this The Complete STAAD.Pro Training course , Delegates will learn:
- Linear Static and Dynamic Analysis of RCC Structures
- Design and Detailing of RCC Beams, Columns , Slabs and Foundations as per IS456, IS13920
- Composite deck and Parametric Modelling
- Snow Load Determination as per ASCE 07
- Determination of Rayleigh Frequency and Modal Frequency of a Structure
- Wind Loads Guidelines as per ASCE07 and ATC Hazards
- Auto Wind Load Generation on RCC Structure as per ASCE 07
- FEM Analysis and Design of Pad Eyes for Lifting Arrangement
- You will know how to use pull down menus, floating toolbars, and tool tip help carry out flexible zoom and multiple views, have isometric and perspective views and 3D shape.
- You will know how to use built-in command file editor and simple command language design concrete beams/columns/slabs/footings as per all major international codes
The Complete STAAD.Pro Training is ideal for :
Any civil engineer with interest in learning about structural design and completed the first and second courses may attend the course and benefit from it. As backgrounds may vary the instructor shall review the contents of the first and second courses. It is foreseen that individuals from the following backgrounds may attend:
- Design structural engineer
- Planners
- Steel fabricator
- Construction engineers
Our courses in Dubai are held at the LPC office located at:
Once you register, we will subsequently send you the course details, including the location, trainer, and other logistical information.
Pay Attention, Please! The course location at our offices is subject to availability. Should our office be unavailable, we will secure an alternative nearby venue and promptly inform you of the change. The exact time and location will be confirmed one week prior to the course commencement.