Advanced International Maritime Business

Course Info

Date: Nov-11-2024

Length: 2 Weeks

City: Dubai

Fees: 9,770

Type: In Classroom

Available Dates

  • Nov-11-2024


Dates in Other Venues

  • Oct-07-2024


  • Dec-02-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

10 days course

 Essentials of Maritime Business

  • Overview of the Maritime Industry
  • Ship Types, Sizes, and Functions
  • Maritime Economics Basics
  • Vessel Traffic Management Systems
  • Advanced Ship Reporting and Monitoring


Advanced Maritime Economics

  • Role of Shipping in the Global Economy
  • Analysis of Maritime Market Cycles
  • Detailed Study of the Four Shipping Markets
  • Dynamics of Sea Transport Supply and Demand
  • Mechanisms Behind Freight Rate Formation
  • Key Trading Areas and Flow Patterns
  • Economic Analysis of New Builds and Second-hand Ships
  • Impact of Politics on Maritime Economics

Financial Strategies in Maritime Business

  • Understanding Maritime Financial Concepts
  • Maritime Industry Financing Issues
  • Financial Aspects of Cargo Operations
  • Analyzing Operating Statements
  • Cost-Revenue Relationships and Breakeven Analysis
  • Effective Budgeting and Forecasting Techniques
  • Implementing Financial Controls

Ship Cargoes and Vessels

  • Classification of Marine Cargo Types
  • Overview of Cargo Vessel Types
  • Port System Operations and Management
  • Evolution and Impact of Containerization
  • Multimodal and Intermodal Transport Systems
  • Documentation in Maritime Cargo Operations
  • Customs Procedures and Controls
  • Best Practices in Cargo Stowage and Loading

Insurance and Claims

  • Role and Responsibilities of Insurance Brokers
  • Functions of Underwriters and Claims Agents
  • Managing Crew Injury Claims
  • Addressing Explosion and Fire Incidents
  • Collision and Salvage Operations
  • Handling Cargo Damage Claims

Maritime Regulations

  • Comprehensive Safety Standards
  • Security Measures in Maritime Operations
  • Environmental Regulations and Compliance
  • Quality Assurance in Maritime Services
  • Ballast Water Treatment and Management

Maritime Law and Regulations

  • Key Provisions of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA)
  • Understanding the Hague-Visby Rules
  • Framework for Limitation of Liability
  • Key International Conventions Impacting Maritime Law

Chartering Management, Negotiations & Contracts

  • Detailed Chartering Processes
  • Effective Negotiation Strategies in Maritime Contracts
  • Managing Fixtures and Post-Fixtures
  • Accurate Voyage Estimations
  • Overview of Different Charter Party Types

Global Maritime Intermediaries

  • Functions of Ship Managers in Maritime Operations
  • Role of Banking and Investment Institutions in Maritime
  • Duties and Importance of Ship Agents
  • Classification Societies and Their Impact
  • Bunkering Brokers and Their Role
  • Managing Maritime Crew and Logistics
  • Key Suppliers and Inspectors in Maritime Trade

Port & Terminal Management

  • Role of Ports in Facilitating Global Trade
  • Structure of Port Management and Concession Agreements
  • Comparison of Private and Public Terminal Management
  • Critical Roles of Pilots and Tugboats in Port Operations

Course Video