Diversity awareness in workplace
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Course Details
- Introduction
- Objective
- Who should attend
- Course Location
People have always needed to work together to succeed in creating profitable businesses. In today’s business environment, employers have a large pool of talent to select from when hiring. But this variety brings unique challenges of its own when it comes to creating an equal opportunity workplace. This includes hiring people from all walks of life: different races, religions, languages, lifestyles, and many other unique characteristics. For your organization to succeed, everyone needs to be on the same page and working towards the same goal.
Diversity awareness in workplace training course assists employers in creating cultural awareness and inclusion for all employees. Diversity training helps participants become aware of other cultures and lifestyles in order to increase empathy among co-workers. The goal of cultural diversity training is to address the elephant in the room: Poor cross-cultural communication, resentment, and competition for advancement opportunities. Our diversity training program addresses the importance of cultural competence, the persistent problem of biases and stereotypes, and the how employers and co-workers have to learn to work together toward the organization’s goals.
The course focuses on diversity awareness to increase participant’s ability to work effectively and productively in a diverse workplace. It is designed to be thought provoking and challenging. With increased self-awareness and awareness of others, participants are able to recognise and value our human differences. This allows them to develop strategies and actions to support teams and organisations to excel.
Course Outline
Diversity: Similar Differences
Chapter Objectives
What is Diversity?
Dimensions of Diversity
Activity: Similar Differences
Levels of Uniqueness
Activity: Who Am I?
How Culture Shapes Us
Chapter Objectives
What is Culture
Layers of Culture
Activity: Brief Encounters
Values: The Core of Culture
Value Programming
Activity: My Life’s Journey
Steps for Building Understanding