The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude at Workplace
Available Dates
Course Details
- Introduction
- Objective
- Who should attend
Everyone has a creative mind and it can either work for you or against you depending on what you programme into it. Thought has power - and what you think about expands because energy follows thought. A positive thinking and attitude is infectious and leads to a ‘can do’ approach in individuals, teams and organizations.
This coure will inspire you with new perspectives of thinking and approach to people or their problems. Using experiential learning methods and strategic visualization techniques, you will be guided into a reflective program of self-discovery.
You will discover practical tips for applying positive thinking practices in your own life. You will learn approaches to change your attitude to re-gain control over your life, boost health, and achieve a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
Course Outline
Psychology of Positivity: Introduction
- Optimism versus Pessimism
- Science and Power of the Human Brain
- Events affecting: Positive and Negative Thinking
- Tactics for transforming negative words and experiences
- Techniques to cultivate positive thinking patterns
- Develop Positive Communication: Art of Positive Speaking
- Going beyond set limits with your thinking
The Impact of Attitude
- Attitude is everything
- The origins of attitudes
- The formation of attitudes
- Adding value to your organization
- The relationship between attitude and creativity
- Intelligence versus creativity
Course Video