The Three-Dimensions of Leadership

Course Info


5 Days


In Classroom

Available Dates










Course Details

  • Introduction
  • Objective
  • Who should attend

The study of leadership  traditionally starts by focusing on the leader’s personal awareness of themselves and their style in interacting with others. From first line to top line executives, mastering yourself and your interactions permits effective communication, clear performance expectations and teamwork. The second stage concentrates on process knowledge and skills to produce value. Work can only be accomplished when key skills are applied. The third dimension recently became an essential leadership component. It requires agility in setting wise and timely direction or goals based on changing circumstances and situations. 

The Three-Dimensions of Leadership training course instructs people from the boardroom to the mailroom to support company goals in every situation by identifying and focusing on the mission that matters most, to work with the four types of employees so they rally as resources to cooperate as a team that negotiates the big-picture of organizational channels and politics to convert within the context.

The Three-Dimensions of Leadership will teach leaders how to approach every situation at work by identifying and maintaining the Three-Dimensional Mission, Resources and Context (3-D MRC) outlook and focus in which all organizational accomplishment is rooted. From the opening to the closing sessions each participant is given dozens of profound yet practical concepts that are easy to understand, are reinforced with numerous real-life examples and experiences everyone sees around them at work and which immediately can be applied as soon as you arrive back in the shop, unit and office!

The study of leadership  traditionally starts by focusing on the leader’s personal awareness of themselves and their style in interacting with others. From first line to top line executives, mastering yourself and your interactions permits effective communication, clear performance expectations and teamwork. The second stage concentrates on process knowledge and skills to produce value. Work can only be accomplished when key skills are applied. The third dimension recently became an essential leadership component. It requires agility in setting wise and timely direction or goals based on changing circumstances and situations. 

The Three-Dimensions of Leadership training course instructs people from the boardroom to the mailroom to support company goals in every situation by identifying and focusing on the mission that matters most, to work with the four types of employees so they rally as resources to cooperate as a team that negotiates the big-picture of organizational channels and politics to convert within the context.

The Three-Dimensions of Leadership will teach leaders how to approach every situation at work by identifying and maintaining the Three-Dimensional Mission, Resources and Context (3-D MRC) outlook and focus in which all organizational accomplishment is rooted. From the opening to the closing sessions each participant is given dozens of profound yet practical concepts that are easy to understand, are reinforced with numerous real-life examples and experiences everyone sees around them at work and which immediately can be applied as soon as you arrive back in the shop, unit and office!

Course Outline

5 days course
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • New conceptual model of organisational leadership
  • The role of organisational leadership
  • Mediate between organisational task demands and subordinates’ goals or needs
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