Financial Planning and Analysis: controlling and setting budgets

Course Info

Length: 1 Week

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Oct-07-2024


  • Nov-04-2024


  • Dec-02-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course


Introduction to Financial Analysis, Planning and Control
  • Financial Economic Decision-Making: The challenge

  • Financial/economic analysis practice

  • Understanding the value-creating company

  • Shareholder and corporate value

  • Business: A dynamic perspective

  • Corporate governance and the agency problem

  • Description: What information and data to use?

  • Financial statements: Nature

  • Financial analysis and decision-making: Context

  • Business Performance: Performance

  • Business performance and ratio analysis

  • Understanding Management’s point of view

  • Description: Owners’ point of view

  • Description: Lenders’ point of view

  • Pyramids of ratios: Ratio as a system

  • Financial performance analysis: Integration

  • Introduction to Economic value added (EVA)

  • Financial distress: Prediction


Financial Requirements: Projection
  • Financial projections: Inter-relationship

  • The overview of Operating budgets

  • Variance analysis and standard costing

  • Cash budgets and cash forecasts

  • Understanding Sensitivity analysis

  • Growth and dynamics of the business system

  • Description: Operating leverage

  • Analyzing Financial growth plans

  • Overview of Financial modelling

  • Investment Decisions: Analysis

  • Time-adjusted measures: Application

  • Internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV)

  • Understanding the Strategic perspective

  • NPV and EVA

  • Investment analysis: Refinements

  • Introduction: Equivalent annual cost (EAC)

  • Introduction: Modified internal rate of return (MIRR)

  • Understanding Sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, simulation and NPV break-even

  • The concept of Dealing with risk and changing circumstances


Business Performance and valuation
  • The concept of Managing for shareholder value

  • Description: Shareholder value creation in perspective

  • Value-based methodologies: Evolution

  • The concept of Creating value in restructuring and combinations

  • Understanding Financial strategy in acquisitions

  • An overview: Business valuation

  • Description: Business reorganizations and restructuring

  • Overview of Management buy ins (MBIs) and Management buy outs (MBOs)

  • Overview of Setting and Controlling Budgets

  • Introduction to Financial and Strategic Planning

  • Introduction and overview of management accounting and Financial accounting

  • Association between budget setting, strategic planning and performance measurement

  • Introduction to strategic and planning management

  • Overview of Mission, vision and objectives

  • Description of the planning process

  • Overview of External environment analysis, internal resources analysis, PESTEL and SWOT

  • Shareholder wealth maximization, financial strategy and value creation

  • Understanding Long-term and short-term financing, financial planning and modelling


Budgeting: Cost Analysis
  • Costing: Definition

  • Fixed costs and variable costs: Cost behavior

  • Understanding cost/volume/profit (CVP) analysis, contribution and break-even models

  • Overview: Non-traceable and traceable cost allocation

  • The concept of period costs and product costs

  • Understanding absorption costing, marginal costing, direct costs and indirect costs

  • Analysis of Product costing for budgetary control, performance measurement and budget setting

  • The costing system and activity-based costing (ABC): Refinement

  • Budgeting: Framework

  • Budget: Definition

  • Distinct Types of budgets and Budgeting framework

  • Understanding the budget process

  • Forecasting sales, costs and sales pricing: Qualitative and Quantitative techniques

  • Labour costs and depreciation: Budgeting

  • Description: The departmental budget

  • Master budget and the cash forecast/budget: Preparation

  • Budgeting: The human side and the behavioral aspects

  • Understanding Capital Budgeting, Activity based budgeting (ABB), Variance analysis and Budgetary control

  • Budget controlling process in your organization

  • Introduction to Activity-based budgeting (ABB)

  • Capital projects budgeting

  • Understanding Discounted cash flow (DCF) investment appraisal methods of internal rate of return and net present value (NPV)


Overview of the profitability index (PI) and capital rationing
  • Responsibility accounting and budgetary control systems

  • Budgeting and budgetary control: The standard costing

  • The concept of flexed budgets, fixed budgets, variance analysis and the reasons for variances

  • Broadening Performance Measurement Systems: Beyond budgeting

  • Integrating continuous improvement into the budget process

  • Budgeting: Advantages and disadvantages

  • Ways to improve the budget process in your organisation

  • Understanding the conflict between the costing system and performance improvement

  • Description: Performance improvement and lean thinking

  • Beyond the budget: What’s next?

  • Associating strategy with performance measurement and budgeting: The balance scorecard

  • Adapting and developing the balanced scorecard

  • Summary

Course Video