Mergers and Acquisitions Masterclass

Course Info

Length: 1 Week

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Sep-16-2024


  • Oct-07-2024


  • Nov-11-2024


  • Dec-23-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

Fundamentals of M&A

  • Introduction to Merger and Acquisition: definition, objectives, benefits 
  • Discussing the rational and drivers of company merge and acquire
  • Exploring the historical evolution of M&A
  • Discussing success and failure factors in M&A
  • Exploring types of deals and transactions in M&A:

  1. Platform
  2. Add-ons
  3. Bolt-on
  4. Tuck-in
  5. Roll-up

  • Understanding various M&A strategies:

  1. Horizontal merge
  2. Vertical merge
  3. Market extension M&A
  4. Product extension M&A
  5. Conglomerate merge
  6. Cross-border acquisition

  • Discussing how M&A help in creating competitive advantage
  • Discovering tactics for developing defense mechanisms against hostile takeover
  • Exploring national and international regulations and standards for M&A
  • Case studies about largest M&A deals 

M&A Process


  • Understanding the M&A process from buyer’s perspective
  • Understanding the M&A process from seller’s perspective
  • Techniques for seeking potential targets/ buyers
  • Comparing between strategic and financial buyers in M&A
  • Exploring the procedures of a sale:

  1. Negotiations
  2. Auctions

  • Discussing strategies for negotiation phase preparation
  • Understanding how to arrange a value creating deal
  • Exploring the documents needed for M&A deals
  • Exercise: developing a long and short list of potential targets and create an M&A plan 

Due Diligence

  • Understanding the importance of due diligence
  • Distinguishing between due diligence and audit
  • Discussing due diligence planning and execution strategies
  • Discovering areas covered by due diligence:

  1. Financial due diligence
  2. Operational due diligence
  3. Tax due diligence
  4. HR diligence
  5. Commercial due diligence
  6. Legal due diligence

  • Evaluation methods for due diligence and warning signs
  • Discussing the consequences of due diligence failures
  • Tools and methods for industry analysis
  • Case studies about due diligence failures
  • Exercise: Create a due diligence plan

M&A Valuation Methods


  • Understanding the key valuation principles
  • Discussing when to chose price or value
  • Overview of M&A valuation techniques:

  1. Market approach
  2. Income approach
  3.  Asset-based approach
  4. Option valuation models

  • Understanding private equity and start-up valuation
  • Exploring the deal financing and payment structure
  • Techniques for designing deals
  • Case studies about valuation methods
  • Exercise: using excel to analyze and valuate M&A

M&A Best Practice


  • Techniques for developing business strategy to align with private capital markets and position in the mid-market M&A industry
  • Discussing the requirements for transition to mid-market
  • Understanding the sales and purchase agreements (SPAs)
  • The importance of tax restructuring
  • Understanding M&A insurance practices
  • Case studies about successful implementation and management of M&A
  • Final presentation of M&A strategy and feedback
  • Lesson learned and recap
  • Course evaluation