Course Info

Length: 1 Week

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Sep-23-2024


  • Oct-07-2024


  • Nov-11-2024


  • Dec-30-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

 Introduction to ESG Risks

  • Understanding ESG risk management
  • Distinguishing between ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS)
  • Overview of the impact of ESG risks and the benefits of ESG risk management
  • Discussing the roles and responsibilities of ESG risk manager
  • Discussing different ESG risks, including Environmental, Social, and Governance risks
  • Exploring examples of ESG risk failures
  • Understanding the process of managing ESG risk

Assessing ESG Risk

  • Understanding the process of assessing ESG risk
  • Discussing how to identify potential ESG risks within business sectors and operations
  • Exploring internal and external factors to consider when identifying ESG risks
  • Discovering factors that impact the likelihood of ESG risks
  • Differentiating between the financial and non-financial impact of ESG risks
  • Methods for analyzing and assessing the impact of potential ESG risks

  1.     Risk Mapping
  2.     Scenario Analysis
  3.     Surveys and interviews
  4.     Data analysis

  • Utilizing materiality assessment to prioritize risksmpact the likelihood of ESG risks · Differentiating between the financial and non-financial impact of ESG risks · Methods for analyzing and assessing the impact of potential ESG risks § Risk Mapping § Scenario Analysis § Surveys and interviews § Data analysis · Utilizing materiality assessment to prioritize risks

ESG Risk Mitigation Strategies

  • Understanding the process of developing and implementing a risk mitigation strategy
  • Discussing the main components of ESG risk mitigation strategy:

  1.     Sustainable Practices
  2.     Social Responsibility
  3.     Governance structures

  • The role of training employees in identifying and reporting ESG risks
  • The benefits of engaging stakeholders in risk mitigation strategy
  • Discussing how third-party insurance can mitigate financial losses associated with ESG risks
  • Examples of ESG risk mitigation strategies

ESG Risk Monitoring & Reporting

  • Understanding the integration phase of risk management
  • Discussing the importance of continuous monitoring for ESG risks
  • Utilizing risk registers to keep records and track ESG risks
  • Discussing the principles of disclosure
  • The importance of stakeholder engagement and reporting risks to them
  • Techniques for transparent reporting of ESG practices and risks

ESG Risk Management Best Practices

  • Discussing ESG risk management best practices
  • Understanding the meaning and importance of ESG risk culture
  • Discussing issues and challenges with ESG risk management
  • The future of ESG risk management
  • Presentation and feedback
  • Course evaluation