Spreadsheet Skills for Planning, Forecasting & Budgeting

Course Info

Date: Nov-04-2024

Length: 1 Week

Fees: 895

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Sep-30-2024


  • Oct-07-2024


  • Nov-04-2024


  • Dec-30-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

Introduction to Spreadsheets using Excel
  • The power of Excel for building financial models
  • The Ribbons of Excel with their commands and functions
  • Using formulae: Copying, anchoring, and special pasting
  • Using functions: financial, statistical, and mathematical
  • Review of the financial objectives of business: ROI, ROA, ROE
  • Overview of Financial Statements
Proper Planning:
  • Introduction to planning
  • What-if analysis:
    • Scenario analysis techniques
    • Sensitivity analysis using spinners & scroll bars
  • Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
  • Build out Data tables to see an entire range of options
  • 1-way Data tables
  • 2-way Data tables
  • Maximizing vs. optimizing techniques
  • Utilizing The Goal Seek command to calculate a reverse equation
  • Using Solver to calculate optimal product mix, distribution problems & capital budgeting
Fantastic Forecasting
  • Forecasting in perspective - the Past vs. the Future
  • The necessity to apply a range of different forecasting methods:
    • Qualitative Models used in forecasting
    • Quantitative Models focussing on time series and regressions methodology
  • Forecasting growth rates
  • Recording, applying, and modifying forecast assumptions
Beyond Budgeting:
  • What is a budget?
  • How to build a simple budget
  • Build a Flexible Budget Model
  • Build out a complete budget
  • Operating budget elements
  • Financial budget elements
  • Linking them
  • What is the Variance Analysis report & why is it important to improve your budget
  • Calculating variance analysis to see what must be changed
Putting it together – building the comprehensive model
  • Considering the financing mix in strategy
  • Considering the Return to Shareholder as the primary indicator
  • Build your planning model
  • Build your forecasting model
  • Build your budgeting model
  • Link these together in a review

Course Video