Treasury Products & Risk Management

Course Info

Date: July-29-2024

Length: 1 Week

Fees: 868

Type: Online

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Available Dates


  • Sep-30-2024


  • Oct-07-2024


  • Nov-04-2024


  • Dec-30-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course


  • Treasury Risk Management
  • Identifying Risks and Uncertainties
  • Who Uses Treasury Products?
  • Treasury Solutions – Currency Risk
  • Corporate Treasury Risk Management
  • Commodity Hedging and Trading Simulation


  • Treasury Risk Management Meeting: StoraEnso
  • How Hedging Works
  • Strategies for Using Treasury Products
  • Measuring Treasury Performance
  • Evaluating the Benefits of Treasury Management
  • Interest Rate Hedging and Trading Simulation


  • Cash Forecasts: Role & Preparation
  • Investment of Cash Surpluses to Maximize Return
  • Meeting Cash Calls and Short-Term Cash Shortages / Short Term Finance
  • Working Capital Management – Determining the Optimum Level
  • Multi-national & Group Cash Management
  • Cash Budgets: Process & Control


  • Interest Rate Risk Management
  • Corporate Asset & Liability Management
  • Currency Hedging and Trading Simulation


  • Medium and Long-Term Financing Strategies Capital Markets – Equity
  • Capital Markets – Debt
  • Liquidity Risk Management
  • Asset and Liability Management
  • Debt Management
  • Translating the Training into Action

Course Video