Course Info

Date: Oct-07-2024

Length: 1 Week

Fees: 880

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Sep-30-2024


  • Oct-07-2024


  • Nov-04-2024


  • Dec-30-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

  • PowerBI concepts
  • Navigating PowerBI service
  • PowerBI data sources
  • Creating refreshable data files
  • Upload a CSV file
  • Upload an excel workbook
  • Connect to a sample


Using PowerBI visualisation
  • Create a new report
  • Create and arrange visualisations
  • Format a visualisation
  • Create a chart visualisation
  • Use text, map and visualisations
  • User a slicer to filter visualisations
  • Download and use custom visualisations from gallery
Manage report pages
  • Add a filter to a page or report
  • Set visualisation interactions
  • Print a report page
  • Create and manage dashboards
  • Pin a live report title to a dashboard
  • Build a dashboard to a quick insights
Create a mobile view with PowerBI
  • Ask a question with PowerBI Q&A
  • Tweak datasets for Q&A
  • Sharing reports and dashboards
  • Publish a report to the web
  • Manage published reports
  • Create a workspace for collaboration
Add users to a workspace
  • Publish an app
  • Create a QR code to share a tile
  • Using workspaces on the mobile app
  • Relate tables and connect data together
  • Reduce and transform data when using the windows app

Course Video