Comprehensive Energy and Procurement Management: Strategies, Contracts, and Future Trends

Course Info

Length: 2 Weeks

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Oct-14-2024


  • Nov-25-2024


  • Dec-02-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

10 days course

Global Energy Market & energy contracts

  • Overview of Structure & Key Players in Global Energy Markets
  • What are Energy Contracts, Why They Exist and What Are Their Key Components
  • Contract Lifecycle: From Conception To Completion
  • Case studies and real-world examples

Energy Industry Risk Management

  • The risks of the energy industry: Market, Credit and Operational Risks under Regulatory Risk.
  • Introduction to Risk Assessment Techniques: Means and Tools for Risk Identification and Evaluation
  • Precautionary measures: The types of risks the energy sector can be reduced through different mean.
  • Case studies and real-world examples

Energy contract analysis for energy, both upstream and downstream

  • What Are Upstream Energy Contracts: Exploration, Production and Drilling Contract
  • If you want to learn about other types of energy contracts, see: Downstream Energy Contracts – Refining / Distribution and Retail
  • Energy Contracts: Critical Clauses, Potential Pitfalls & Solutions
  • Case studies and real-world examples

Contract Lifecycle and Contractual Clauses negotiation issues

  • General Problems and Solutions in Identifying Key Issues during a Contract Life Cycle
  • Here we see that the qualities of a negotiation technique are demonstrable by achieving an acceptable balance in the other consideration, contractual clauses.
  • The clear wording and interpretation of contr

Contract Management, negotiation mistakes, and the way forward

  • Contract Negotiation Process: A few thing to keep out for and how not commit them.
  • How changes in technology and regulation will reshape energy contracts.
  • The Energy Contracting Skills of the Future
  • Case studies and real-world examples

Strategic Procurement

  • What is Strategic Procurement What it is, why its vital and how its changed.
  • Strategic procurement as key to organizational growth
  • Alignment of procurement strategy with corporate strategy
  • Strategic procurement"From assessment to contract management
  • Case studies and real-world examples

Supplier Management & Vendor Relationship Building

  • The ways we identify and select suppliers: Criteria, strategy
  • The development and maintenance of supplier relationships: communications, performance monitoring, error resolution.
  • Improve supplier performance through development and governance
  • Risk assessment, mitigation reinforcing: Supplier Legitimacy control

Strategic Sourcing and Category Management.

  • Strategic Sourcing Definition, Process and Benefits
  • Category Management in Procurement: Strategy, Advantages and Challenges.
  • Strategic sourcing and category-management cross-functional teams
  • Role of market intelligence in strategic sourcing and category management.

Negotiation and Contract Management

  • Negotiation strategies in procurement: Preparation, techniques, and closing.
  • Developing and managing contracts: Types of contracts, key components, and legal considerations.
  • Performance-based contracting: Objectives, implementation, and challenges.
  • Conflict resolution in contract management: Techniques and best practices.
  • Case studies and real-world examples

Future Trends in Strategic Procurement

  • Impact of digitalization on strategic procurement: Automation, AI, and blockchain.
  • Sustainable procurement: Strategies, benefits, and challenges.
  • Skills for the future: Essential competencies for strategic procurement professionals.
  • Developing a strategic procurement plan: Steps, considerations, and presentation.
  • Case studies and real-world examples
  • Course review and certification delivery.