Introduction to Solar PV Farms - Utility Scale

Course Info

Date: Sep-30-2024

Length: 1 Week

Fees: 888

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Sep-16-2024


  • Sep-30-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

Introduction to Solar Energy and Photovoltaics


  • Overview of Renewable Energy Sources
  • Basic Principles of Solar Energy
  • Introduction to Photovoltaic Technology
  • Types of Solar Cells and Panels
  • Solar Energy Applications

Components and Configurations of Utility-Scale Solar PV Systems


  • Solar PV System Components (Panels, Inverters, Mounting Systems, etc.)
  • Design Configurations for Utility-Scale Solar PV Farms
  • Energy Yield Analysis and Performance Prediction
  • Operation and Maintenance Considerations

Site Assessment and Project Planning


  • Site Selection and Feasibility Studies
  • Solar Resource Assessment
  • Land Use and Environmental Considerations
  • Project Planning and Phases
  • Financial Modeling and Project Economics

Regulatory Framework and Environmental Compliance


  • Overview of Regulatory Landscape for Solar Energy
  • Permitting Processes for Utility-Scale Solar Projects
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
  • Incentives and Policies for Solar Energy Development

Grid Integration, Energy Storage, and Project Management


  • Integrating Solar PV Farms into the Electricity Grid
  • Introduction to Energy Storage Systems
  • Managing Power Output and Grid Stability
  • Case Studies of Successful Utility-Scale Solar PV Farms
  • Best Practices in Project Management for Solar PV Farms

Course Video