Creating a Positive Work Culture in Organisations

Course Info

Length: 1 Week

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Apr-14-2025


  • May-12-2025


  • June-09-2025


  • July-14-2025


  • Aug-11-2025


  • Sep-08-2025


  • Oct-13-2025


  • Nov-10-2025


  • Dec-08-2025


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

Introduction to a Positive Work Culture

  • Introduction to a positive work culture: definition, importance, benefits and characteristics
  • Exploring the key elements of a positive work culture:

  1. Respect and trust
  2. Effective communication
  3. Collaboration and teamwork

  • Exploring signs of a negative work environment
  • Real-world example of positive work environment and culture
  • Exploring tools and methods for assessing current work culture
  • Activity: students will assess their current work culture

Leadership in a Positive Work Culture

  • Discussing the impact of effective leadership vs. ineffective leadership in work culture
  • Exploring the qualities of effective leadership
  • Understanding the roles and responsibilities of leaders to promote a positive culture:

  1. Promoting positive behavior
  2. Encourage employee engagement
  3. Effective communication
  4. Leading by example
  5. Building trust and transparency

  • Understanding the role of emotional intelligence skills in leadership
  • Exploring workplace interpersonal skills and techniques to improve them
  • Case studies about the impact of leadership on work culture

Motivation & Wellbeing in Workplace

  • Discussing the importance of motiving employees in the workplace
  • Exploring methods for motiving employees
  • Distinguishing between positive and negative reinforcement in the workplace
  • Discovering motivation theories:

  1. Equity theory
  2. Alderfer’s ERG theory
  3. Herzberg’s two-factor theory

  • Strategies to encourage employee discretionary effort:

  1. Rewards and recognition programs
  2. Celebrating achievements

  • Understanding the importance of work-life balance within workplaces
  • Understanding how to support employee growth and career development
  • Group discussion about best motivation strategies in workplaces

Sustainable Positive Work Culture

  • Discussing how to build a collaborative team environment
  • Techniques for integrating new employees into the positive culture
  • Strategies for exchanging feedback and suggestions
  • Exploring effective communication and active listening strategies
  • Conflict resolution and management strategies
  • Techniques for handling toxic people and negative behaviours
  • Case studies about the impact of positive work culture on performance and productivity

Assessing Work Culture

  • Understanding the importance of assessing work culture and the effectiveness of positive culture strategies
  • Methods of measuring the effectiveness of a work culture:

  1. Employee satisfaction surveys
  2. Retention rates and turnover
  3. Employee productivity and performance

  • Discussing challenges in creating and maintaining a positive work culture
  • Techniques for aligning work culture with the organisation’s goals
  • Discussing the roles and responsibilities of HR in managing and creating a positive work culture
  • Activity: assessing work culture for a sample organization using methods learned
  • Activity: Develop a detailed plan for creating a positive work culture
  • Summary and recap
  • Course evaluation and feedback