International Relations and World Politics

Course Info

Length: 1 Week

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Oct-14-2024


  • Nov-18-2024


  • Dec-30-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

Introduction to International Relations and World Politics

  • Overview of international relations (IR) theory
  • Understanding the meaning of sovereignty, power, anarchy, and security
  • Discussing world’s major issues and concerns:

  1.     War & peace
  2.     Human Rights
  3.     Environmental Concerns

  • Understanding state sovereignty and territorial integrity
  • Exploring the power dynamics and the balance of power
  • Discussing the role of ideology and national interest
  • Understanding the significance of international law
  • Case studies on key international issues

State and Non-State Actors in International Relations

  • Defining state actors and identifying their role in international relations
  • Discussing the impact and role of non-state actors:

  1.     NGOs
  2.     IGOs
  3.     MNCs
  4.     Terrorist groups.

  • Understanding the United Nations and its agencies
  • Understanding European Union and regional organizations
  • Exploring the transnational advocacy networks
  • Discussing the impact of global civil society on international relations
  • Case studies on non-state actor interventions.
  • Comparative analysis of state vs. non-state influence.

International Conflicts and Cooperation

  • Historical and contemporary conflict case studies.
  • Causes of international conflicts.
  • Conflict resolution and peace processes.
  • Examples of international cooperation (e.g., treaties and alliances).
  • Role of diplomacy in conflict management.
  • Case studies on successful cooperation (e.g., the EU, NAFTA).
  • The impact of cultural and religious differences on conflicts.
  • Evaluating peacekeeping missions and interventions.

Globalization & World Politics

  • Defining globalization and its dimensions
  • Discussing economic globalization:

  1.     Trade
  2.     Finance
  3.     Labor markets.

  • Discussing the relationship between political globalization and the diffusion of power
  • Understanding cultural globalization and global identity
  • Exploring the impact of technological advancements on politics
  • Understanding the globalization’s impact on sovereignty and national policies
  • Case studies on the effects of globalization
  • Debates on the benefits and drawbacks of globalization

Global Governance & International Diplomacy

  • Understanding the concept and importance of global governance
  • Evaluating international institutions: UN, WTO, IMF, and World Bank
  • Challenges in global governance: legitimacy, accountability, and effectiveness
  • Understanding the role of diplomacy in shaping global governance
  • Strategies for effective international engagement
  • Discussing future trends in global governance
  • Ethical considerations in international relations
  • Developing a personal or organizational strategy for global diplomacy