Professional TV presenter Training

Course Info

Length: 1 Week

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Sep-30-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

Introduction to Television Presenting


  • Business Overview
  • Responsibilities and Job Description
  • Potential Salary
  • Source of Wages
  • Outlook of a TV Presenter’s Job
  • Job Qualifications

Collaboration and Teams


  • Television Team
  • Television Cast
  • Television Crew
  • Producers
  • Requirements for Presenters
Communication, Qualifications, and Skills


  • Are You Qualified?
  • Research and Knowledge
  • Research about the Television Industry
  • Specific Roles
  • Interviews
  • The ‘Fascinating Factor’

Identifying Strengths, USP, and Branding


  • Identifying your Strengths
  • Types of Television Presenting and the Appropriate Strengths
  • Reflective Self Exercises
  • Cultivating Strengths
  • Unique Selling Points
  • History of USP
Speaking in Front of Cameras


  • • Talking before Cameras
  • • Body Cues
  • • Breathing and Relaxing
  • • Time Talking
  • • Self-Dependent Improvisation
  • • Presenting Techniques


Preparation and Improvisation


  • Improvised Presentation
  • Preparation and Construction of a Script
  • Presenting using Handheld Cameras
  • Presenting using Multiple Cameras
  • Broadcasting Live
  • Reporting from Location
  • Camera Handling Techniques
Presentation and Body Language


  • Relevance of Image
  • Visual Language
  • Body Language
  • Significant Gestures
  • Distracting Behaviour
  • Colours
  • On Set
Creating a Showreel
  • Creating a Successful Showreel
  • Resources
  • Research Work
  • Footage Type
  • Branding
  • Format and Structure


The Television Industry and Employment
  • Organisation
  • Management of Personal Reputation
  • Connectivity
  • Contents Required for the Application
  • Organisations
Presenting as a Career


  • Requirements
  • Agents
  • Duties of an Agent
  • Reasons for Hiring an Agent
  • Reasons against Hiring an Agent
  • Choosing a Good Agent

Building Confidence and Dealing with Rejection


  • Building Camera Confidence
  • Things to Avoid and Things to Embrace
  • Dealing with Rejection
  • Secondary Opportunities
  • Serendipity

Course Video