Business and Climate Change: Towards Net Zero Emissions

Course Info

Length: 2 Weeks

City: Paris

Type: In Classroom

Available Dates

  • June-09-2025


  • Sep-08-2025


  • Dec-08-2025


  • Jan-05-2026


Dates in Other Venues

  • Apr-28-2025


  • May-26-2025


  • June-09-2025

    Kuala Lumpur

  • June-09-2025


  • June-09-2025


  • June-09-2025


  • June-09-2025


  • June-09-2025


  • July-28-2025


  • Aug-25-2025


  • Sep-08-2025


  • Sep-08-2025


  • Sep-08-2025

    Kuala Lumpur

  • Sep-08-2025


  • Sep-08-2025


  • Sep-08-2025


  • Oct-27-2025


  • Nov-24-2025


  • Dec-08-2025


  • Dec-08-2025


  • Dec-08-2025

    Kuala Lumpur

  • Dec-08-2025


  • Dec-08-2025


  • Dec-08-2025


  • Jan-05-2026


  • Jan-26-2026

    Kuala Lumpur

Course Details

Course Outline

10 days course

A changing climate for business
  • Describe why a net-zero carbon emissions future is inevitable
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of climate change and its impact on society, the global economy, and the environment
  • Outline the effects of climate change that impact your business or one you are familiar with
  • Identify the different sources of greenhouse gas emissions and where they occur in an individual business
 The vision of a net-zero carbon future
  • Articulate the goals that need to be achieved to deliver a net-zero future in different sectors
  • Illustrate how a net-zero future can boost prosperity and present new opportunities
  • Discuss what a net-zero future might look like for you


The need to repurpose the economic system
  • Illustrate how tipping points and network effects can influence systemic action and accelerate change
  • Discuss climate-related risks to companies and the economic system
  • Illustrate the need to broaden the definition of value beyond GDP
  • Illustrate the importance of climate-related financial risk disclosures by companies to their investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders
  • Distinguish the broad assets that are likely to prove profitable and resilient in a net-zero economy from those that are likely to be devalued or stranded
  • Analyse the importance of monitoring and measuring progress towards an improved net-zero economy


Collaborating and leading a low carbon transition
  • Describe the role of business in shaping our expectations of the future and applying levers for change
  • Reflect on how long-established practices and beliefs create barriers to the transition
  • Evaluate the role of national and international institutions in shaping the necessary enabling environment
  • Analyse how collaboration on climate action can create commercial opportunities and build a resilient economy and society
  • Assess how individual and collaborative leadership can influence policy, business practices, and collective behavior


Decarbonisation success stories
  • Compare the factors that have led to initiatives successfully decarbonising
  • Describe what success looks like for initiatives pursuing a low carbon goal in the transition to a net-zero economy
  • Conclude the potential to scale decarbonisation strategies and apply them across different sectors
  • Analyse the likely effectiveness of emerging decarbonisation strategies across major sectors


Innovation and design for a net-zero 21st century


  • Illustrate the concept of degrowth and its implications for society, the global economy, and the environment
  • Relate the conditions and incentives for driving business innovation to the net-zero transition
  • Evaluate the role individual businesses can play in influencing design and innovation within their sectors
  • Distinguish between relative and absolute decoupling of economic growth and environmental impact


Leading change and coping with disruption
  • Analyse the leadership values, thinking, and practice required to deliver the change needed in business
  • Illustrate the organisational transformation required to become a net-zero company


Distinguish between the winners and losers of the global climate change responses
  • Draft a plan for addressing the needs of those who will lose out from a low carbon transition
  • Reflect on how those that will lose out from a low carbon transition can be enabled to benefit and thrive
Your role in leading the transition


  • Articulate the current and future barriers or challenges that you expect to encounter in attempting to drive change
  • Describe your role in driving a transition towards a net-zero business in your current and future spheres of influence
  • Illustrate the importance of leveraging support and maintaining momentum in the face of potential setbacks
Investigate support mechanisms beyond your current network to be more effective at facilitating change


  • Identify internal support that can help accelerate your change process
  • Reflect on how your views of a net-zero transition have changed
  • Write a personal action plan to lead the transition towards a net-zero future for your organization or spheres of influence

Course Video