Cybersecurity: Managing Risk in the Information Age

Course Info

Length: 2 Weeks

City: Paris

Type: In Classroom

Available Dates

  • Apr-07-2025


  • July-07-2025


  • Oct-06-2025


Dates in Other Venues

  • Apr-07-2025


  • Apr-07-2025


  • Apr-07-2025


  • Apr-07-2025


  • Apr-07-2025


  • Apr-07-2025

    Kuala Lumpur

  • May-05-2025


  • June-02-2025


  • July-07-2025


  • July-07-2025


  • July-07-2025


  • July-07-2025

    Kuala Lumpur

  • July-07-2025


  • July-07-2025


  • Aug-04-2025


  • Sep-01-2025


  • Oct-06-2025

    Kuala Lumpur

  • Oct-06-2025


  • Oct-06-2025


  • Oct-06-2025


  • Oct-06-2025


  • Oct-06-2025


  • Nov-03-2025


  • Dec-01-2025


Course Details

Course Outline

10 days course


Cybersecurity Risk is Business Risk



  • Define the key concepts necessary to understand the function of cyber risk management.
  • Discuss why the current cyber landscape poses a threat to organizations' cybersecurity.
  • Explain how cyber risk management can protect organizations from cyber risks.
  • Identify the three principal risks of a cyber attack.
  • Show how cyber risk management mitigates the business risk of cyberattacks.


Identifying Cyber Threats


  • Demonstrate how the internet works.
  • Illustrate a method of cyber attack.
  • Identify types of threat actors.
  • Discuss sectors typically targeted by cyber threat actors.
  • Relate the increasing prevalence of cyber attacks to current geopolitical tensions.
  • Identify risks posed by insider threat actors.
  • Investigate the threats to an organization's critical business systems and data.
Identifying Important Business Systems and Assets


  • Discuss the importance of protecting an organization's critical assets.
  • Identify the critical systems that are vulnerable to cyberattack.
  • Identify types of networks and their vulnerabilities.
  • Choose the types of data that should be prioritized when securing an organization's networks.
  • Investigate the business critical systems, networks, and data that are essential for an organization's effective functioning.
  • Assess the vulnerabilities of an organization's business critical systems, networks, and data.


 The Role of Leadership in Managing Cyber Risk
  • Outline the importance of leadership in cybersecurity governance.
  • Discuss the importance of effective management processes.
  • Articulate management processes that are crucial to managing cyber risk for an organization.
  • Investigate the need for cybersecurity awareness training.
  • Recommend a cybersecurity leadership plan for an organization.


Understanding Your Technology
  • Identify the important nexus between physical security and cybersecurity.
  • Articulate the types of questions needed to establish an overview of an organization's cybersecurity.
  • Describe types of technologies that effectively protect networks.


Identify the key elements of sound data governance
  • Apply appropriate methods for protecting an organization's systems, networks, and data.
  • Deduce types of questions necessary to determine the technologies implemented in an organization's cybersecurity.


Cyber Risk and The Law
  • Recognize the risk of failing to take into account legal considerations surrounding cybersecurity.
  • Identify the various sources of legal obligations and best practice standards.
  • Articulate ways to mitigate legal and reputational risks.
  • Interpret the role of the government in regulating cybersecurity.
  • Illustrate the benefits of disclosure and information sharing following a breach.
  • Identify the legal risks inherent in third-party relationships.
  • Select questions to assess an organization's legal and compliance cyber risks.


 Incident Response and Accountability


  • Recognize proactive measures that should contribute to an incident response strategy.
  • Identify best practices in detecting and containing a cyber attack.
  • Analyze the roles of key actors in the response to a cyber attack.


Articulate the appropriate communication strategy following a cyber attack
  • Decide on processes to eradicate an attack, and recover affected systems, networks, and data.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken during a cyberattack.
  • Propose an incident response plan to prepare an organization in the event of an attack.


Designing and Implementing a Mitigation Strategy


  • Identify cyberthreats and mitigation strategies of future cyber landscapes.
  • Review the components included in a risk mitigation strategy.
  • Interpret challenges inherent in implementing a cyber risk mitigation strategy.
  • Select metrics that are most appropriate for evaluating the cybersecurity of an organization or sector.
  • Develop a cyber risk mitigation strategy specific to your organization.

Course Video