How to Build a SaaS Sales Funnel in 2024

saas sales funnel

Posted on Apr 24, 2024 at 10:04 PM

Having an effective SaaS sales funnel is essential if you want your SaaS project to succeed and achieve positive outcomes in all sales and marketing metrics.

Moreover, building a SaaS sales funnel, that is related to your product SaaS marketing funnel, will help you organise the journey of your customer step by step through the funnel based on effective stages and metrics.

In this article, we are going to share with you all what you need to learn about the SaaS sales funnel, its stages, and the required steps to build a conversion SaaS sales funnel.


What Is a SaaS Sales Funnel?

First of all, let us clarify what SaaS is, as SaaS stands for Software as a Service.

The sales funnel for SaaS is a structured and designed process to attract, engage, and convert potential users to paying customers and even loyal ones by guiding them through the funnel stages and landing them on the final stage.

Moreover, the SaaS sales funnel is more than important if you want your project to succeed as it helps you deliver your work in an efficient way to customers, and represents your work as you want.

Thus, understanding how technology has changed sales techniques and optimising each stage of the SaaS sales funnel based on new indicators and prospects will not only help you drive conversions but also help you effectively acquire, retain, and scale the customer base of your company.


The Main 4 SaaS Sales Funnel Stages:

According to the sales training courses Dubai, the SaaS sales funnel, and in fact the entire concept of selling in the digital age, is divided into main stages that will guide the customer journey from the beginning of the SaaS sales funnel to its end.

  1. Awareness:

This funnel phase generates traffic and shares awareness about your brand and SaaS product with potential customers, through effective SaaS marketing efforts such as paid social media ads, visual examples, and content marketing.

  1. Engagement:

Now, the targeted potential customers will engage with your product through unpaid activities like visiting your website, signing up for newsletters, or downloading content.

  1. Exploration:

In this funnel stage, potential customers explore your product more by watching videos, trying a free trial, or even interacting with your customer support service.

  1. Conversion:

At this final funnel stage, your potential customer is finally ready with all the required awareness and information to decide to become a paying customer by completing the conversion stage of the SaaS sales funnel.


6 Key Steps to Build an Effective SaaS Sales Funnel:

All the sales management tips advise you to follow these amazing SaaS funnel steps in your process to build a powerful and effective SaaS sales funnel:

saas sales funnel

Step 1: Know Your Targeted Audience:

If you want to convince someone to do what you want, then simply you must understand the specific needs, pain points, and preferences of that person.

And that is as well applicable to your business’s targeted audience, thus, you need to adjust your marketing messages and product offerings according to your perfect customer journey.

Step 2: Engage with Your Audience:

Building a personal relationship with your audience is more than required and a basic movement in turning them into loyal customers.

You can achieve that by interacting with your audience through various channels like social media, email marketing, and online communities to build relationships and trust.

Step 3: Customise Your Customer Journey:

Develop a strategic plan, step by step, to guide potential customers through your SaaS sales funnel and guarantee not losing them along the journey.

Share easy and simple content marketing, advertising ads, and educational resources to introduce them to your SaaS solution with a full overview.

Step 4: Simplify the Process:

Easy steps and information will encourage your customer to go on through your SaaS sales funnel, rather than getting bored or frustrated by complicated and unorganised information.

Therefore, make it easy for potential customers to navigate through your sales funnel and understand your shared information by providing clear intuitive user interfaces, and straightforward purchasing processes.

Step 5: Follow Up and Retain Your Customers:

Implement powerful work strategies to keep positive retention and acquisition rates with existing customers, such as providing ongoing support, offering valuable updates, and asking for feedback to enhance their experience.

Moreover, the ideal follow-up strategy is more than essential for all types of people in our time, as it shows companies as a caring and interested business that respects their clients and cares to keep them.

Step 6: Analyse and Modify:

To keep your business going with stable steps in all funnels you must continuously monitor and analyse the performance insights of your customer journey through the SaaS sales funnel to create and define a better model.

You can monitor the funnel stages and customer journey by using data analysing tools and asking for clients' feedback to provide quality measures identify areas for improvement and then refine recurring qualified measuring and update your sales strategies to achieve better growth.



Be aware that the SaaS sales funnel leads your customers to reach the point you want and encourages them to make a purchase or whatever action you want, and by default increase your revenue.

However, the building of the SaaS sales funnel must go through multi-quantitative sales knowledge and training to make stable and effective steps for each stage.