Healthcare outcomes management and quality improvement

Course Info

Date: Oct-21-2024

Length: 1 Week

City: Barcelona

Fees: 4,450

Type: In Classroom

Available Dates

  • Sep-16-2024


  • Oct-21-2024


  • Nov-18-2024


  • Dec-16-2024


Dates in Other Venues

  • Sep-09-2024


  • Sep-09-2024


  • Sep-16-2024


  • Sep-23-2024


  • Sep-23-2024


  • Sep-30-2024

    Kuala Lumpur

  • Sep-30-2024


  • Oct-07-2024

    Kuala Lumpur

  • Oct-07-2024


  • Oct-14-2024


  • Oct-14-2024


  • Oct-21-2024


  • Oct-28-2024


  • Oct-28-2024


  • Nov-04-2024

    Kuala Lumpur

  • Nov-04-2024


  • Nov-11-2024


  • Nov-11-2024


  • Nov-18-2024


  • Nov-25-2024


  • Nov-25-2024


  • Dec-02-2024

    Kuala Lumpur

  • Dec-02-2024


  • Dec-09-2024


  • Dec-09-2024


  • Dec-16-2024


  • Dec-23-2024


  • Dec-23-2024


  • Dec-30-2024


  • Dec-30-2024

    Kuala Lumpur

Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course


Introduction to Healthcare Outcomes


  • Management and Planning.
  • History of Quality Management-A Starting Point.
  • Basic Principles of Quality Management.


Quality Improvement in Health Care- Donabedian’s
  • Principles of Quality Improvement.
  • Introduction to Donabedian’s Principles of Quality Improvement.
  • The Meaning of Quality Assurance.
  • Targets of Quality Assurance.
  • Components of Quality Assurance.
  • The Quality Monitoring Cycle.
  • Foundations of Quality Assurance.
  • Components of Quality in Health Care.
  • Monitoring and Improving Clinical Performance.
  • Structure, Process, and Outcome.
  • Understanding Healthcare Outcomes Management and Planning Using Donabedian’s Model.
  • Donabedian’s Guidelines for Using Healthcare Outcome Management and Planning as an Indicator of Quality Healthcare Delivery.
  • Donabedian’s Classifications of Outcomes.


Healthcare Delivery in the 21st Century- A Report from the Institute of Medicine


  • Introduction to the Report.
  • The Need for Change.
  • Establishing Aims for the 21st Century Healthcare Delivery System.
  • Formulating New Rules to Redesign and Improve Care.
  • Improving Outcomes of Common Conditions.
  • Organizational Supports for Change.
  • Establishing a New Environment for Healthcare Delivery.
  • Applying Evidence to Healthcare Delivery.
  • Using Information Technology.
  • Aligning Payment Policies with Quality Improvement.
  • Preparing the Workforce.


Systems Approach to Healthcare Outcomes Management and Planning


  • Introduction to Systems in Health Care.
  • The Scientific Paradigm.
  • The Healthcare “System”


The Biomedical Point of View


  • Introduction to Biomedicine.
  • Cartesianism.
  • Empiricism.
  • Western Biomedical Doctrine.


The Biopsychosocial Point of View


  • The Biopsychosocial Approach to Clinical Medicine.
  • Clinical Practice and the Biopsychosocial Approach.
  • Eliciting the Patient’s Story and Life Circumstances.
  • Integrating Biological, Psychological, Social, and Environmental Domains.
  • Centrality of Relationships in Providing Healthcare Services.
  • Understanding the Clinician.
  • Focus the Approach for Clinical Practice.
  • Providing Multidimensional Treatment.
  • The Future of Clinical Biopsychosocial Practice.


Applied Healthcare Outcomes Management- A Primer on Epidemiology
  • Introduction to Epidemiology.
  • Areas of Concentration.
  • Natural History of Disease.
  • Epidemiologic Methodology.
  • Basic Epidemiologic Measurement.
  • Epidemiological Observations.
  • Clinical Epidemiology.


Healthcare Evaluation Design
  • Introduction to Healthcare Evaluation Design.
  • Purpose of Evaluating Healthcare Delivery.
  • Four Dimensions of Healthcare Evaluation.
  • Healthcare Evaluation Design and Development.
  • Positivism vs Relativism.
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodology.
  • Experimental Healthcare Evaluations.
  • The Randomized Control Trial-The Gold Standard of Experimental Evaluations in Health Care.
  • Observational Healthcare Evaluations.


Measuring Patient Satisfaction


  • Introduction to Measuring Patient Satisfaction.
  • The Assessment of Patient Satisfaction.
  • Measuring Humanity.
  • Humanity and Patient Satisfaction.
  • Quantitative Methods for Measuring Patient Satisfaction.
  • The Eleven Stages of Quantitative Survey Design.
  • Qualitative Methods for Measuring Patient Satisfaction.


Measuring Cost-Effectiveness


  • Introduction to Healthcare Economics.
  • Evidence-based Medicine.
  • Value-based Medicine.
  • The Management of Value.
  • Cost-Utility Analysis.
  • The Benefits of Value-based Medicine.
  • Barriers to Entry for Value-based Medicine.
  • Healthcare Economics and Its Contribution to Outcomes Management and Planning.
  • Economic Healthcare Analysis.
  • The Future of Value-based Medicine.


Measuring Equity


  • Introduction to Medical Ethics.
  • Ethics and Justice.


Population-based Medicine in Healthcare Outcomes Management and Planning
  • The Point of Care.
  • Population Health Perspective.
  • Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
  • Health Risk Assessment.
  • Demand Management.
  • Disease Management.
  • Disability Management.
  • Endocrine.


Environmental Health and Outcomes Management and Planning


  • Ecosystems and Population Health Environmental Health Management.
  • Systems Model for Environmental Change.
  • Hazard vs Risk.
  • Environmental Health Risk Assessment.
  • Risk Management.

Course Video