The Complete Course on Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
Available Dates
Dates in Other Venues
Course Details
- Introduction
- Objective
- Who should attend
- Course Location
Maintenance planning and scheduling is one of the fastest and most effective investments an organization can make to improve productivity and availability. The processes in this course pave the way for planning and control of maintenance resources. Equipment reliability is increased. Waiting times, unnecessary parts and inaccurate information are eliminated. Budgeting is easier and more accurate. Maintenance tasks are as much as 50% more efficient in terms of costs and time.
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling examines topics including a proactive work management process, job estimation and prioritization, backlog management, job plan development, work scheduling and coordination, tracking progress, and supporting reliability engineers with valuable equipment history and root cause analysis input.
The Complete Course on Maintenance Planning and Scheduling will focus on time management, the details in job plans, creating schedules, staging material and utilising a CMMS. The Complete Course on Maintenance Planning and Scheduling features latest case studies, KPIs with sample calculations and successful outage management.
This comprehensive training course delivers the experience, advice, and know-how necessary to establish a world-class maintenance operation.
Course Outline
The Business Case for the Benefit of Planning (Why Do Planning?)
- Company Vision.
- Why Developing Is Needed in Maintenance?
- The concept of planning (e.g., Parts and Tools).
- Increase Your Workforce Without Hiring
- Case Study: The Practical Result of Planning.
- Is Freed-Up Technicians.
- “World Class” Wrench Time.
- The Specific Benefit of Planning Calculated for Labour Only.
- The Specific Benefit of Planning Calculated beyond Labour: The Ultimate Benefit.
- Plant Staffing Level.
- Why Does This Opportunity Exist?
- Quality and Productivity: Effectiveness and Efficiency.
- Planning Mission.
- Frustration with Planning.