Chief Operating Officer (COO) Programme

Course Info

Date: Aug-05-2024

Length: 1 Week

Fees: 775

Type: Online

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Available Dates


  • Sep-30-2024


  • Oct-07-2024


  • Nov-04-2024


  • Dec-30-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

COO Roles and Responsibilities


  • COO Role and Responsibilities – open to interpretation; kinds of COO, definition is key to success
  • C Suite Interactions
  • Capability framework
  • Leadership and influence

Organisation and Governance
  • Corporate Governance – International and UK Corporate Governance Codes
  • Laws vs Governance
  • Directors and Boards of Directors – Effective Boards
  • Directors’ duties and responsibilities
  • Working with non executive directors
  • Diversity in the Boardroom
  • Legal Entity Management
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Regional Hub and Spoke Models
  • Parent Subsidiary relationship
  • Joint Ventures – challenges and management
  • Family Firms
  • Private Equity backed firms

Board Dynamics


  • Why Boards malfunction
  • Why executives fail
  • The Board evaluation and review
  • Role of the COO in working with peers
  • High performing Boards



COO Role in Strategy and Implementation
Formulating Strategy


  • The strategy Process
  • What makes a good strategist
  • Involvement
  • Framework for process
  • Delivering value
  • Case Study: Strategy Process, good strategy vs bad strategy
  • External analysis. Pestle,5 Forces
  • Probability/ Impact
  • Competitive landscape
  • Stakeholder Power/Interest
  • Key Success Factors and capabilities, VRIN
  • Developing strategic options
  • Ansoff Grid
  • Numerous other models
  • Innovation, Blue Ocean


Joint ventures and alliances
  • Acquisitions and mergers
  • Acquisition strategy
  • Why so many fail
  • Acquisition cases
  • Working on an acquisition
  • Implementation obstacles
  • Integrating businesses
  • Culture alignment
  • Drawing a blueprint for implementation
  • Strategy Implementation
  • Obstacles
  • Aligning Key Success Factors to KPI’s
  • Balanced Scorecard
  • Board Dashboard
  • Review process
  • Having the right strategic conversations


COO Role in Regulation and Reporting


  • Rationale, types, limitations of regulation
  • Principle Regulators
  • Key Issues and Regulatory Change
  • Regulatory Reporting
  • Compliance Processes
  • Environmental reporting
  • Ethics and social responsibility
  • Partnering with the Regulator


COO Role in Strategic Risk Evaluation
  • Types of Risk
  • The risk culture
  • Fraud, Bribery and Corruption – Bribery Act 2010, FCPA
  • Operational Risk Three Lines of Defence
  • KRIs and KPIs
  • Control Frameworks
  • Relations with Internal and External Audit
  • Managing a crisis


Tracking progress, measuring success and reviewing performancе
Maximising Shared Services Delivery


  • Compliance
  • Finance
  • Management Accounts and Statutory Financial Reports
  • Budgeting
  • Treasury
  • Role in Expense Management
  • Human Capital
  • Learning Organisation
  • Performance Management
  • Role of technology
  • Key takeaways and lessons learnt

Course Video