Certified Hospitality and Tourism Management Professional (CHTMP)

Course Info

Date: Mar-17-2025

Length: 1 Week

Fees: 1,550

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Mar-17-2025


  • Apr-21-2025


  • May-19-2025


  • June-16-2025


  • July-21-2025


  • Aug-18-2025


  • Sep-22-2025


  • Oct-20-2025


  • Nov-17-2025


  • Dec-15-2025


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

Hospitality & Tourism Foundations


  • Describe the changes hospitality and tourism have experienced in modern times.
  • Explain how hospitality and tourism depend on one another for success.
  • Describe the social impact of global travel and business on hospitality and tourism.
  • Describe the scope of industry services available for today’s traveler.
  • Explain the need for respect and value for all guests by the hospitality and tourism industry
  • Identify how a seamless guest experience is managed by employees and the property.
  • Identify how a seamless guest experience is managed by employees and the property.
  • Identify how the emotional engagement of guests is influenced by each stage of the guest cycle.
  • Explain how to determine guests’ wants and needs in order to meet and exceed expectations with
  • the global traveling public. 

Marketing and Sales

  • Identify the marketing activities used in the hospitality and tourism industry; know the difference
  • between marketing and advertising.
  • Identify the role of marketing in the hospitality and tourism industry and the purpose of measuring
  • return on investment (ROI) for all marketing efforts.
  • Identify the four Ps of marketing and the role of each in the development of a marketing plan.
  • Identify the role of sales in the hospitality and tourism industry.
  • Identify the key objectives and various tasks of a hospitality and tourism sales department.
  • Identify the structure and positions found in a hospitality and tourism sales department and explain
  • the responsibilities of a hospitality and tourism sales professional.

Operations | Safety & Security

  • Identify the purpose of maintaining a safe, healthy environment for guests and employees.
  • Identify the role of occupational safety and the purpose of a job safety analysis report in providing
  • safe work conditions to employees.
  • Explain the risk management process and the use of the 14 elements of a health and safety program in the workplace.
  • Identify the purpose of resorts, cruise lines, recreational vehicles, and tent camping in the hospitality and tourism industry.
  • Identify the types of resorts and the target guest markets attracted to each type
  • Identify the financial goal of a hotel or lodging property.
  • Identify the key difference between a revenue center and a cost center along with the areas
  • belonging to each.
  • Identify the steps required to complete a night audit and the role of the night auditor in the process

Hospitality and Tourism Leadership

  • Identify 21st century leadership styles.
  • Identify why leaders must create leadership development goals and a path for meeting those
  • goals.
  • Define power and empowerment, and describe how these concepts tend to play out in
  • centralized and decentralized organizations.
  • Explain the need for respect and value for diversity in the hospitality and tourism industry

Front Office Management | Housekeeping Operations

  • Identify the key duties and responsibilities of the front office manager.
  • Identify the reports attached to the night audit process.
  • Describe how labor costs are managed by the front office.
  • Identify which positions report to the executive housekeeper.
  • Identify the duties and responsibilities of the executive housekeeper.
  • Identify the organizational structures of various food and beverage operations and describe
  • how restaurants attract and retain staff.
  • Explain the steps involved in menu planning and menu design, and explain the value of periodic menu evaluation.

Course Video