HRD Corporation Train the Trainer Certification Course

Course Info

Length: 1 Week

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Sep-16-2024


  • Oct-07-2024


  • Nov-11-2024


  • Dec-30-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

Introduction to Train-the-Trainer

  • Defining train-the-trainer and its significance
  • Understanding the fundamentals of adult learning
  • Discussing the principles of adult training
  • Understanding adult learning theories:

  1. Transformative
  2. Experiential
  3. Self-directed
  4. Andragogy

  • Exploring the key skills and competencies for a good trainer
  • Discussing ethical considerations for trainers 

Training Need Analysis (TNA)

  • Defining training need analysis (TNA) and its significance
  • Discussing types of TNA
  • Exploring TNA methods
  • Understanding how to conduct competency gap analysis
  • Discussing how to interpret the analysis outcomes
  • Discussing how to handle variance and uncertainty during analysis
  • Case studies about TNA analysis 

Design Competency-Based Training Program


  • Understanding the meaning of competency-based training program
  • Techniques for designing competency-based training programs
  • Techniques for identifying training program requirements
  • Discussing how to align training needs with business goals
  • Techniques for designing learning objectives and assessment criteria
  • Strategies for designing training materials
  • Activity: practice developing competency-based training program

Conduct Competency-Based Training Program

  • Exploring training delivery methods
  • Discussing presentation and facilitation skills required for conducting trainings
  • Discussing types of learning support could be offered during trainings
  • Techniques for effective session plans
  • Examples of competency-based trainings
  • Case studies about successful competency-based training programs

Assess Participant’s Competency  

  • Discussing the importance of assessing participant’s competency
  • Defining competency-based assessment
  • Exploring types of assessment
  • Understanding how to effectively conduct competency-based assessment
  • Understanding assessment administration
  • Activity: practice competency-based assessment
  • Lesson learned and recap
  • Course evaluation