Effective contract management & Administration

Course Info

Length: 1 Week

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Sep-16-2024


  • Oct-21-2024


  • Nov-18-2024


  • Dec-16-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course

Effective Contract Management


  • Company objectives
  • Commercial awareness
  • Commercial management
  • Personal relationships
  • Vital skills and expertise
  • Deciding the right priorities


Understanding the legal environment
  • Basic legal principles
  • Risks for a valid contract
  • Conditions and warranties
  • Making the contract
  • Offer and acceptance
  • Enquiries and tenders
  • Statute law affecting contracts
  • Defects, negligence and lateness
Drafting the contract
  • Drafting starts with effective thinking
  • The key objective
  • Communication and the barriers to overcome
  • The craft of contract drafting
  • Closing loopholes
  • Defined terms; precise language
  • The specific and the general
  • Dealing with sub-contractors
  • Termination clauses
  • Traps for the unwary
Risks, rules and relationships


  • Risk analysis
  • Managing change during the operation of the contract
  • Political, environmental and physical factors
  • Financial and technical risks
  • Pre-contract risk planning
  • Post-contract risk management
  • Off-loading or sharing risk


Some contract scenarios


  • The enquiry and the bid
  • Time and materials
  • Fixed price
  • Limits of liability
  • Pricing or associated costs
Contract terms and conditions


  • How to deal with the ‘small print’
  • Consortia, joint ventures and collaborations
  • Choices of law and jurisdiction
  • Force majeure and its implications
  • Time is of the essence
  • What’s on the back of the purchase order
  • Ways of arguing over terms


Effective administration techniques


  • What is the purpose of the contracts function?
  • The extent of its involvement; what is needed?
  • The culture of the enterprise
  • Terms of reference
  • Early warning systems
  • Some maxims of contract administration
  • Post mortems
  • Getting known and respected
harpening your negotiating skills – getting the most out of contracts


  • Who are the best negotiators?
  • Planning to negotiate
  • What and how to negotiate
  • Essentials of negotiation
  • The principled negotiator
  • Negotiating in teams
  • Getting to win / win
  • Closing a deal


How to resolve disputes by mediation


  • Why mediate?
  • When to mediate
  • Skills of a party at mediation
  • How to achieve a successful outcome at a mediation


How to obtain legal remedies


  • The advantages and disadvantages of litigation and ADR
  • Choosing the appropriate method of redress
  • Obtaining redress while the contract is operating
  • Confidentiality
  • Obtaining a final solution

Course Video