Advanced Supply Chain Management

Course Info

Date: Nov-25-2024

Length: 1 Week

Fees: 885

Type: Online

Available Dates


  • Sep-23-2024


  • Oct-28-2024


  • Nov-25-2024


  • Dec-23-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

5 days course


Supply Chain Management: An Overview


  • Definition of Supply chain management.
  • The vital role of supply chain management.
  • The history of supply chain management.
  • The fundamentals of supply chain management.
  • Nowadays trends in supply chain management.


Supply Issues in Supply Chain Management


  • Introduction to Purchasing management.
  • The vital role of supply management in an organisation
  • The Manual Purchasing system vs. Electronic Procurement systems.
  • The Make-or-Buy decision.
  • Roles of the supply base.
  • Purchasing Organization and the advantages of Centralization and Decentralization.
  • Procurement in Government and Non-profit Agencies.


Creating and Managing Supplier Relationships


  • Building trust.
  • Shared Vision and Objectives.
  • Personal Relationships.
  • Mutual Benefits and Needs.
  • Commitment and Top Management Support.
  • Performance metrics.
  • Continuous improvement.


Ethical and Sustainable Sources
  • Understanding Ethical and sustainable sources.
  • Build up ethical and sustainable sources strategies.
  • Ethical and sustainable sourcing initiatives.
  • Early supplier involvement.
  • Strategic alliance development.
  • Rewarding supplier performance.
  • Benchmarking successful sourcing practices.


Demand Forecasting


  • Introduction to demand forecasting.
  • The importance of demand forecasting.
  • Forecasting techniques.
  • Forecast accuracy.
  • Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment.


Resource Planning Systems


  • Operations planning.
  • The aggregate production plans.
  • The master production schedule.
  • The material requirement plan.
  • Capacity planning.
  • The distribution requirements plan.
  • The legacy material requirements planning systems.
  • The development of enterprise resource planning systems.
  • Implementation.


Inventory Management


  • Introduction to Inventory Management.
  • Dependent demand Vs. Independent demand.
  • Concepts and Tools of Inventory management.
  • Inventory models.
  • The Economic Order Quantity model.
  • The Quantity Discount Model.
  • The Statistical Reorder Point.


Process Management – Lean and Six Sigma in the Supply Chain


  • Lean production and the Toyota production system.
  • Lean thinking and Supply Chain Management.
  • The Elements of Lean.
  • The origins of Six Sigma quality.
  • Comparing Six Sigma and Lean.
  • Six Sigma and Supply Chain Management.
  • The statistical tools of six sigma.


Distribution Issues in Supply Chain Management


  • Transportation fundamentals.
  • Warehousing and Distribution.
  • The impact of Logistics on Supply Chain Management.
  • Environmental sustainability in logistics.
  • Logistics management software applications.
  • Global logistics and Reverse logistics.


Customer Relationship Management


  • Definition of Customer relationship management
  • Key tools and components of CRM
    • Segmenting customers.
    • Predicting customer behaviours.
    • Customer value determination.
    • Automated sales force tools.
  • Designing and implementing a successful CRM program.
  • Recent trends in CRM.

Course Video