Advanced Selection, Interviewing and Recruitment
Available Dates
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Course Details
- Introduction
- Objective
- Who should attend
- Course Location
Recruitment is extremely important in HR management as it ensures that employees who wish to enter into the organisation are a perfect fit for the business, whilst further displaying the professionalism of the entire organisation at the very first moments a prospective employee wishes to onboard.
In this Advanced Selection,Interviewing & Recruitment SkillsTraining course course you will learn the latest process and techniques covering all critical steps of interviewing. This is a very practical training programme with numbers being limited so you can learn, practice and build confidence.
When you finish this engaging and enjoyable programme you will be in a position to put the techniques into practice immediately upon return to work. This programme is compliant with HR Analysis best practice.
Course Outline
Understanding Recruitment - Separating Fact from Fiction
- How to Measure and Financially Show the Cost of Bad Recruitment
- First Series of Interviews
- Self-assessment of Your Current Interviewing Skills
- Fact vs. Fiction about Interviewing
- Introduction to the Recruitment Process Map