The Importance of Business Change Management Theory

change management training course in Istanbul

Posted on Dec 07, 2022 at 08:12 PM

Today, organisational change management theory needs to be applied more in enterprises and companies than ever before, especially in the light of digital transformations and changes resulting from the development of technological concepts and their applications, which in turn affect the business world and the economy.


Nevertheless, many companies need clarification and support to apply this theory, as the concept of change is often an apparent scare for those involved in using it either in the business or elsewhere.


We may attribute this to most people's tendencies to continue in the same context of thinking and routine for fear of unexpected or perhaps somewhat adverse outcomes. Still, change management theories have been created as a fundamental process that will get organisations and institutions to evolve and succeed.


That is, change has innumerable benefits and positives. Still, it will only be accrued by those who have been at a high level of leadership, development, and executive intelligence, and take stock of the most successful change management models for the business and choose from them a model that suits the organisation you lead, which we will be able to do if you trace our tips and guidance included in this article.


What is the concept of Change Management Theory?

The concept of change management theory can be shortened as a framework based on some of an organisation's foundations, practices, or actions to keep pace with change and development in competitive markets.


These practices may be new strategies applicable to the work system as a whole or a range of development and improvement steps for staff to help them perform their job role more efficiently, and phases of change may include a set of new laws applicable to employees or the enterprise's basic work plan.


Therefore, the business change management model can move the applicable organisation or company from one to the next, mainly if the stages and strategies of change are applied to the advice and guidance developed by the economists, which we will mention in the following paragraph.


The 3 best business change management models?

There are many globally experienced theories or models in driving change that has been well received by their experimenters and has contributed successfully to their companies and institutions. We review three ideas of change that will inevitably contribute to your company's development.


1- Change Management Kotter Model (kotter)

One of the most popular and influential theories in achieving corporate goals, named after Professor John Kotter, included eight change management steps affecting the success of the change management process:

  1. Feeling the urgency of the theory of change.
  2. Identify the team that will lead the change.
  3. Strategy profiling for change.
  4. Application and dissemination of the change process.
  5. Meeting challenges, including resisting change.
  6. Achieve some small successes.
  7. Push for more successes by strengthening them.
  8. Stick to change and consider it an essential part of the working system.


2- ADKAR Model for Change Leadership and Management (ADKAR)

One of the most important models of change that help organisations to manage well and effectively the difference they will bring about in their system so that it benefits them greatly; the founder of Prosci has developed this model to include 5 critical components of its term.



This element is intended to maximise employees' understanding of the need to change certain behaviours and systems in the workforce in line with the context of changes and developments so that change appears to them as a must.



After enhancing awareness of the need for change according to surrounding developments, the desire for change and organisational development must be sown in the minds of those involved in its management and the staff involved in its application, especially as this will have a significant impact on the success of the leadership theory of change.



Before you apply the theory of propulsion to change, you need to make sure that all the information and skills required to manage change are available in your hands, as this is one of the essential elements of change management, depending on Adkar's model.


Also, you need to ensure you can complete the change management plan to its conclusion. This element aims not to plan and organise in advance to not waste your energy and time on foundations and theories that will not benefit you.



Successful change requires the complementarity and continuity of all the patterns, models, and theories that have begun implementing the change process. This element is essential in Adkar's model of change.


3- Lewin's Model for Change

We can shorten the definition of Lewin's Change Management Model of change as one of the simplest and easiest frameworks for managing change, developed by the physicist Kurt Lewin, which like this model in the piece of ice that needs to be remodelled and defrosted first and turned into liquid, and then put into a new template that gives it a different look.


To sum up, Key factors are the success of organisations with their ability to keep pace with change and its multiple areas, especially in our rapidly evolving world. Still, the trends of change management theory require a competent and skilful application.


Even having several skills contributes to ensuring the success of change plans and models applied within your organisation, so you need to attend some specialised change management training course in Istanbul, primarily as it will serve as a practical behaviour that will lead you to success.