Top Best Problem Solving-Skills to Have in 2022

management and leadership courses in Istanbul

Posted on Aug 04, 2022 at 06:08 AM


Practical problem-solving skills and decision-making are essential for success in life, both personal and professional.  In the ever-changing competitive world, we need to develop skills such as thinking outside the box, solving problems, and handling difficult or unexpected situations. 


As long as life goes on, we will always have problems. Therefore, it is not vital to face the problem, but the most important thing is that we know how to solve it, deal with it and successfully overcome it to avoid facing it again.  This is evident in the words of "John Foster Dulles", describing Success:


“The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.”


Your professional success will depend on your ability to solve problems quickly. Don't let that scare you off; problem-solving is a learned skill.  So, you can gain it, practice it, and develop it over time.

To be a great problem solver, you must have the right mindset, skills, and strategies.

This is precisely what these articles will teach you, keep reading…


Define problem-solving skills and their importance

Problem-solving skills are soft skills that show your ability to solve all the problems you face daily.

Problem-solving skills allow individuals to live a comfortable life and employees to work calmly and efficiently. They significantly reduce stress in the work environment, especially facing complex problems and various situations. In addition to all that, enriching these skills dramatically enhances companies' production.

Problem-solving is one of the most important skills employers look for in job candidates.  Whether you are an entry-level, a veteran, or even a project manager, these skills will be an attractive resource for any business owner because employees with problem-solving skills are more self-sufficient and confident that they can constantly develop themselves.


Problem-solving: Soft Skills that must be acquired and developed

Problem-solving skills are one of the types of Soft Skills that anyone can gain and continually develop.

Moreover, management and leadership courses in Istanbul will help you solve daily life problems calmly and simply, no matter how complicated they are.  It is a way to open up new horizons and move you into a problem-solving mindset.

As you gain the skills and mindset of problem-solving, you will be more efficient and able to lead those around you.


What are the steps for solving-problems:

 To analyse all the problems you face and solve them in the best possible way, we offer you the following troubleshooting guide:

  1. Problem Identification:

This stage involves: detecting and recognising a problem, identifying the nature of the problem, and defining the problem.

The first problem-solving phase may sound obvious but often requires more thought and analysis.


Identifying a problem can be a difficult task in itself. Is there a problem at all? Is there a problem?  What is the best way to identify the problem?  What are the causes of this problem? By spending some time defining the problem, you will not only understand it more clearly yourself but be able to communicate its nature to others.


  1. Structuring the Problem:

This stage involves a period of observation, careful inspection, fact-finding and developing a clear picture of the problem.

Following on from problem identification, structuring the problem is all about gaining more information about the problem and increasing understanding. This phase is about fact-finding and analysis, building a more comprehensive picture of both the goal(s) and the barrier(s). 


This stage may not be necessary for elementary problems but is essential for problems of a more complex nature.


  1.  Looking for Possible Solutions:

During this stage, you will generate a range of possible courses of action to solve current problems.

From the information gathered in the first two phases of the problem-solving framework, it is time to start thinking about possible solutions to the identified problem. 

If you are working alone to solve problems, I advise you to consult a third party. An outside observer usually has a different and distinct point of view.

In a group situation, this stage is often carried out as a brainstorming session, letting each group member express their views on possible solutions (or part solutions). 


  1. Making a Decision:

This is perhaps the most complex part of the problem-solving process. This stage involves careful analysis of the different possible courses of action and then selecting the best solution for implementation.


 Following the previous step, it is time to look at each potential solution and carefully analyse it. Some solutions may not be possible due to other problems like time constraints or budgets. Don't forget to examine possible solutions and make the right decision.


It is essential at this stage to also consider what might happen if nothing was done to solve the problem - sometimes, trying to solve a problem leads to many more problems.

Finally, making the right solution is your decision... Go on to the (5) stage. 


  1. Implementation:

Implementation means acting on the chosen solution. During implementation, more problems may arise, especially if you don't follow step number (2).


  1.  Seeking Feedback 

The last stage is about reviewing the outcomes of problem-solving, including seeking feedback on the success of the outcomes of the chosen solution.

And don't forget to invest in evaluations for future feedback (leveraging mistakes and not repeating them).

 After defining the troubleshooting steps, try using this guide to solve your problems and share the results with us.

Now the following question must come to your mind: What skills should be added to your skills to help reach solutions faster? The appropriate scientific answer lies in the following:


Most common problem-solving skills:

  1. problem-solving mindset

 This skill represents the cornerstone of problem-solving skills and includes several simple tips such as:

  • Accept the fact that the problems will never end.
  • Develop a solution-oriented mindset and avoid obstacles.
  • Be a problem solver today and do not postpone them; postponing will not solve these problems in the future.


  1.  Analytical and Research skills:

These two skills are among the primary skills when solving problems. To solve a problem, you must be able to analyse it from a couple of angles. This requires you to gather and evaluate data and fact-finding and thus possess research skills.


  1. Emotional intelligence skills:

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise your feelings and the feelings of others and then direct them towards solving your problems and taking the most appropriate solution.


  1. Creative thinking skills

Sometimes finding the right solution will require stepping out of your comfort zone and thinking creatively outside the box away from traditional solutions.  Sometimes you find that the problems are simple, and you do not need to think to solve them but remember, some problems are complex and challenging to solve, and you need to think creatively to get rid of them.


  1. Decision-making skills

One of the essential problem-solving skills. Once you narrow down your choices and pinpoint what causes the problem, you need to make the right decision.

Problem-solving and decision-making are closely related skills. Making a decision is essential to problem-solving as you will often face various options and alternatives.


Relationship of problem-solving skills to authentic leadership:

Creativity, problem-solving and finding suitable alternatives are the lot of any leader.  We can say that the basis for measuring leadership efficiency and its essence is the ability to solve problems quickly and easily.

 There are two main differences between the strategies of a leader and a layperson:

  •  The first is that the average person does not always believe there is a solution, while the leader believes there are solutions to all problems.
  • The second is the difference in the level of the leader’s view of problems from the view of most people. Ordinary people view the problem as a problem that must be solved, while the leader views the problem as an opportunity to learn more and enrich his list of ideas due to a deep analysis of things.


In conclusion, 

Dear reader, we hope that we have given you a simplified guide for what you are looking for in problem-solving skills.  Remember that you can have any skill with consistent practice, a desire to learn, and a determination to attain the ultimate goal.